Truth of Life

Why truth is important to define our life !!!

How to relieve stressStress ManagementWhy Stress

Stress -From which planet this is coming ?????

Why Stress

When we hear this word, it gives us stress by itself. 😊 Still, for some people, the focus is their best friend. When we grow up, it becomes part of our life; wherever we go, some people carry this word stress in their suitcases. This word is so familiar to us, and not everyone has the solution to it. Stress has siblings, as well as 1. Strain 2. Anxiety 3. Pressure 4. Tension 5. Worry and many more unending English words. Stress will never leave you if you keep making him comfortable and sticky.

I don’t want to give lectures about stress as there are multiple links where you can find the meaning and how to resolve it. I am here to ask you:

  • Do you think that to solve a problem we require stress?
  • Are you competing with anyone who makes you stress?
  • Do you overthink for any topic or circumstances?

There are multiple ways to take the stress, and then it becomes your best friend and walks with you in every sphere of life. Now everyone knows various ways to release out the tension still, ~10% of our population might be able to overcome the situation, and the rest keep fighting with the word, and it goes for them till eternity.

Do you think everyone can resolve this issue and can easily eradicate the word “Stress”? Well, my answer will be partial, “Yes and No.”

I believe there is no dull, Sharp, or Smart mind. In my opinion, It should be only two types in this world 1. I have trained mind 2.  I have an Untrained mind.

Those who can handle the pressure trained their minds with any situation and easily achieved their goals without stress.

However, those who have an untrained mind started to move around here and there, and due to the non-availability of knowledge, they call everyone’s best friend “Stress” in their life.

Now I checked multiple sites or links where we have numerous ways like 1. Divert your mind by listening to music 2. Do yoga 3. Do exercise and many other kinds of stuff, but do you think that much of attention is in the word “Stress” we required.

In my opinion, we have an easier way to release stress, which I practically implemented in my life and find suitable for me, and this is what I would like to share with you all.

Whenever I feel stressed, as it comes naturally to my home uninvited, I should first allow it to my house, give a cup of tea and finally say goodbye to our familiar friend.

All of you might start thinking about what could be the advantage of holding stress. How is it possible? This is because when you don’t fight with your mind by overthinking, it will become your guest, and priority will immediately run away, but if you hold it for any good reason, it will become your friend.

So, the first step is to allow it to come and then release it. As it nothing happen at that moment. So, what are you doing? You are training your mind that whatever is the reason for the stress, it doesn’t matter to me.

Start saying to yourself that “This shall also pass” (Magic words)

If you keep saying them, these words will help you train your mind, and eventually, it will relax your spirit and your entire body. When you get settled, the message will surpass your subconscious mind and execute this instruction.

So, we all learned that the moment you start saying the magic words, it starts to show our friend (stress) an exit. Change your mind, and you will see your body will also be changing accordingly.

Now there is another practical way to remove stress in a more straightforward way like: –

  1. You can count in reverse order (200 -1). This will help you to divert your mind from a stressful situation.
  2. Take deep breaths in and out for a couple of minutes. It will relax your entire body.
  3. Close your eyes and enchant any mantra which you like the most. For instance, I prefer “Om Namah Shivay” enchanting for a couple of minutes.
  4. Watch past pictures of yours where you are celebrating something or enjoying something. It will make you laugh and happy.
  5. Any book or novel or childhood comics, you can read it.

And many more we can add to it.

The message is quite clear that it is not hard to release your stress. The only problem is to train your mind and stay positive.

Every year dozens of people are taking unnecessary stress and causes unwanted diseases. I mean, with taking stress, you can change the world. So why such pressure on your mind. God has created us to take the world as it is and give it to nature.

You can learn a couple of habits as well, if possible, as this is the practical approach to reducing stress and strain your brain.

  1. Do regular plantation if possible.
  2. To participate in social activities.
  3. If feasible, raise animals. They are the best stress buster.
  4. Never empty your mind; try to engage your timetable with daily routine management.
  5. Cook food. If you are still an amateur, then learn it from your parents.

Overall, all the above habits will make you busy, and the risk of stress will be nominal.

With all the simple steps, you can easily control your pressure level and can victorious in a sphere of life.

Remember one thing that GOD has created everyone us a unique one, and everyone has some exceptional talent, which will help us achieve happiness, and when you are happy, then there is no place for ‘Stress”.

So, things which are not in your control don’t overthink. Remember the magic everything this shall pass.

With all the above simple steps, I can now live my life stress-free and able to increase the level of happiness.

Please stay safe and alert !!!!!!

One thought on “Stress -From which planet this is coming ?????

  • Read the all above tips to exit or reduce our friend that named as Stress
    Your tips really really useful and yes that worked too…
    One of the line or tips that I love most:. “this shall also pass”. A magic line


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