Truth of Life

Why truth is important to define our life !!!

The first step is to note down all your desires in some paper and rank them as per your priorities. For example, if you have a goal to set a dream home and travel the world. So, you have to choose priorities and rank them accordingly. It will help you to attain focus on your life.

Once you create a laundry list of all your goals and post ranking, select the top 03 goals of your life rest, you can deprioritize for a while. 

Then according to the series, start working on your first goal and then consecutive goal, respectively. It will help you to focus on one goal at a time.

  • Chalk out your goal: -Write it down in one paper and stick it to your home wall. Read twice or thrice a day loudly to convince your subconscious mind.

  • Do mirror imaging – You can speak with yourself in front of the mirror about your goal as continuous mirror talk will help you reach your subconscious mind. At least try twice a day for 10-15 minutes.
  • Hold your goal in your thought for 17 seconds: – Although it sounds straightforward to hold your thoughts for 17 seconds; however, it is a bit difficult to center your goal for 17 seconds as our mind can think about multiple things at a time. However, with regular practice, you can achieve such a level of concentration. You can start with meditation, which will help you to create vibration for distinguished goals. This process might take 6 to 12 months depends on your level of practice. Once you can hold 17 seconds, your thought, you have to make it to 68 seconds, which will boost your confidence towards your objective, and this process will ensure that you reach your destination. Ensure you do regular practice to reach that milestone.

  • Keep asking: – You have to ask your want to the universe with any investigation of how it will happen. Your task is to ask and allow yourself to visualize your goal only. An individual has to believe in his desire for how much hunger he has for that particular desire. Stay focused as the creative process is evolving, whether you are consciously aware of it or not. Because of the variety and contrast of your experience, Continual new preferences are being born within you, and you are, even without knowing it, Broadcasting them as requests. And at that moment that you broadcast a preference, source energy receives your vibrational request and, by the law of attraction, offers immediate responses, which you must then align to vibrationally.

For instance, your car is getting older and is beginning to require more frequent servicing, and suddenly you notice its depreciation, and you find yourself desiring a new car. And as you very much wanted that feeling of confidence that a dependable new car brings vibrational energy of desire which originated from you, and source received it fully and responded, in kind immediately.

So, if you keep asking the universe with the utmost focus, you will taste the success.

  • Virtually feel you achieved your goal: – This is the most important aspect of focusing your goal. As you have to feel it that you are already achieved the goal, and you are enjoying every bit of it. The universe will only respond to your vibrations, and your vibrations will get created by living up with the goal virtually. So, start practicing every day that you are already living your accomplishment.

We see that most commonly trip you up is that in contrast – Which is necessary and valuable to help you give birth to a rocket of desires – often, there is an activation of many kinds of jumbled Energy. Usually, you have to have pretty well chewed on details or events that have helped you know what you do not want to know that you want something. In other words, when do you speak most clearly about wanting to be well? Usually, when you are less than well, Correct? When does your strongest desire for more money really kick into high gear? Most likely, when there is not enough money. When you are confused, that is when you want more clarity. When you are overwhelmed, isn’t that when you want more serenity? And when you are bored, isn’t that when you want more stimulation?

When you focused upon or praying for some goal, something you really want or need, you are often not a vibrational match to the thing you want.

These below steps will help you to achieve your focus. These facts are proven scientifically, and famous authors always mention in their books as well.

If you keep practicing these steps soon, it will become your life habit, and you can foresee your mission accomplished.

Stay Safe and Alert!!!!